Role Call | Define & Refine

Pretty amazing, huh?

It's incredible the number of roles you play every day. And the fact that you took a minute to stop and breathe in all of what you do is an essential practice in presence, self-love and self-awareness.

"The purpose of visualization is insight, not pictures."

Next Up: Visualization

Visualization can feel a little odd when you don't sit in silence often, and hardly ever close your eyes to daydream. But, let's be real, daydreaming is so fun. And right now give yourself permission to daydream.

"Visualization is daydreaming with a purpose."

Review the top 5 most important roles that you circled.

  1. Write them down on a new piece of paper.
  2. Look at your roles one by one.
  3. Close your eyes and see yourself fulfilling that role.
  4. Now imagine how you would fulfill that role on your best day.
  5. Open your eyes.

Review your top 10 Roles that you want to do more of.

  1. Write them down on a new piece of paper.
  2. Look at your roles one by one.
  3. Close your eyes and see yourself fulfilling each role.
  4. Open your eyes.
  5. Rank them in order of which ones you want to do sooner rather than later. Sooner at the top, starting with #1 and ending with things you want to do later at the bottom.

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