Role Call
Role Call Checklist
Discover Your Whole Self
In this section, you will:
- Acknowledge all of the roles you fill in your daily life,
- Reconnect with roles that you've been missing in your life, and
- Identify roles you've always wanted to jump into.
How to Use the Checklist
#1. Check off all of your different roles.
You don't have to be a professional for these to be a part of your daily life and who you are. For instance, if you love cooking and you cook for your family often, then go on and checkmark "Chef/Cook."
#2. Add any roles that aren't on the list in the areas that have a blank line.
#3. Circle or highlight the 5 most important roles in your life.
Tip: Person/Human should be one of the five.
Tip 2: These should also reflect the roles that are true most days of the week.
#4. Put a star by 10 of the roles you want to do more of.
(Note: These do not include the ones highlighted in step 5.)
#5. You did it! Great work. Onward!
Unearthed - Role Call - Checklist.pdf